• A Public Charitable, Non-Profit Trust
  • +91 9818041233
  • contact@saamyatrust.org

What We Do

Evidence ● Analysis ● Research ● Equity

Out team is in capturing insights into dynamics of society and its people unrevealing the barriers and challenges through truthful evidence gathering, analysis, research, with a focus on ‘Leaving No One behind (LNOB). It believes that the global agenda of sustainable development through 2030 SDG framework of development can be achieved if the last person’s challenges could be addressed.

Our Strengths

  • Evidence gathering from field action, medium and large, through statistically proven methodologies and provide insights that are representative of the exiting situation;
  • Analysing data with equity focus and develop standard reports, factsheets, presentations, flyers and develop dynamic dashboards on electronic platforms.
  • Use APs and other latest tools for data integration, leading to comprehensive situation analysis.
  • Use innovative methods for generating rapid community based / household-based data and its insightful analysis, for quick assessment supporting advocacy, especially in situations of disasters, pandemics with a view to disaster mitigation and preparedness.
  • Advise and support development of monitoring evaluation framework,
  • Undertake large and medium scale M&E activities that are based on international accepted methods and standards and protocols.
  • Provide insights into behaviour change on SBCC projects;
  • Undertake any knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) studies;
  • Advise and support in development of data systems and operational research;

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